This is a bold statement, but it’s true.
How do you treat your employees? Do you bark orders at them and hope they’re going to not take it personally? Do you not make time for them, believing they’ll just get on with what they’re meant to do?
Or do you invest time and energy into supporting your team, making sure you communicate and connect with them while actively encouraging them to thrive?
Your employees think about, communicate with and act with your customers in the same way that you think about, communicate with and act with your employees. It’s time to get honest with yourself and do a quick review of yourself as leader or manager of your company.
Are there things that you need to change as a leader, to ensure your people are providing a great customer experience?
The customer used to be king.
But if you treat your people purely as a means to an end – to serve your customer - the performance of your people and in turn the performance of your company will flounder. On the other hand, when you prioritise the well-being of your people and create a culture in which they can thrive, your people will be happy and your customers will be too.
The focus for today’s workplace requires you to put your employees first. Look after your employees, and they will look after your customers.
You must have the right people, in the right positions, who love what they do and bring their best self to work every day.
You need to support them by having them report to a great manager, with the skills to help them perform and the metrics to measure it.
You employee now needs to be your focus. Engage and support your people and they will create an experience your clients will rave about.
We can help you develop a first-class customer centric team. Find out how today.